Van Dollen, D.; Weimer, D.; Neukart, F. (2021): Quantum Computing: A brief history, submitted to Industrie 4.0 Management [accepted]
Wuest, T., Weimer, D., Irgens, C. & Thoben, K.-D. (2016): Machine learning in manufacturing: advantages, challenges and applications. Production & Manufacturing Research, Vol. 4(1), p. 23-45
Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Shpitalni, M. (2016): Design of deep convolutional neural network architectures for automated feature extraction in industrial inspection. CIRP Annals (Elsevier), Vol. 65(1), p. 417-420
Becker, T.; Weimer, D.; Pannek, J. (2015): Network structures and decentralized control in logistics: topology, interfaces, and dynamics. International Journal of Advanced Logistics, Vol. 4(1), p. 1-8
Weimer, D.; Huferath-v. Lüpke, S.; Tausendfreund, A.; Bergmann, R.B.; Goch, G.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2014): Dimensional in situ shape and surface inspection of metallic micro components in micro bulk manufacturing. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1018, p. 493-500
Weimer, D.; Becker, T. (2014); Prediction of return shipments in online shops using machine learning, Industrie Management, Vol. 6, p. 47- 50
Weimer, D.; Thamer, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2013): Automatische Registrierung simulierter 3D Sensordaten komplexer Mikrobauteile. Industrie Management, Vol. 29(2), p. 49-52
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Weimer, D.; Thamer, H. (2012): Automated surface inspection of cold formed micro parts. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Annals of the International Academy for Production Engineering, Vol. 61(1), p. 531-534
Lütjen, M.; Rippel, D.; Weimer, D.; Gandecki, S.; Kleefeld, S. (2012): Challenges in handling of micro components. In: Industrie Management, 28(6), p. 51-54
Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2012): Accurate Detection of Surface Defects in the Micro Range, Industrie Management, Vol. 28(5), p. 61-64
Van Dollen, D.; Neukart, F; Weimer, D.; Baeck, T. (2021): Quantum-assisted feature selection for vehicle price prediction modeling, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning Applications (ICQTMLA), Part XIII, p. 1064 - 1070 – [Best Presentation Award]
Weimer, D., Benggolo, A. Y.; Freitag, M. (2015): Context-aware deep convolutional neural networks for industrial inspection. Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 30
Rippel, D.; Weimer, D.; Lütjen, M (2015): Evaluation of logistic quality control concepts using discrete event simulation, 16. ASIM Fachtagung, Simulation in Production and Logistics
Becker, T.; Weimer, D. (2014): Identification of Autonomous Structures in Dynamic Manufacturing Networks using Clustering Approaches. The Annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium. London, p. 1-11
Weimer, D.; Huferath-von Luepke, S.; Falldorf, C.; Lütjen, M.; Kreis, Th.; von Freyberg, A.; Bergmann, R.B.; Goch, G.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2014): A comparison of in-situ measuring systems within micro cold forming, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014)
Weimer, D.; Thamer, H.; Thoben, K.D. (2014): GPU architecture for unsupervised surface inspection using multi-scale texture analysis. Procedia Technology, Vol. 15, p. 287-284
Weimer, D.; Thamer, H.; Fellmann, C.; Lütjen, M.; Thoben, K.D.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2014): Towards 100% in-situ 2D/3D quality inspection of metallic micro components using plenoptic cameras. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 17, p. 847-852
Weimer, D.; Rippel, D.; Hildebrandt, T.; Lütjen, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2014): A strategy for logistic quality control in micro bulk production. Procedia Technology, Vol. 15, p. 323-332
Thamer, H.; Kost, H.; Weimer, D.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2014): 3D-Objekterkennung von heterogenen Stückgütern in ungeordneten Packszenarien. In: Schenk, M.; Zadek, H.; Müller, G.; Richter, K.; Seidel, H. (Hrsg.): 19. Magdeburger Logistiktage. Sichere und nachhaltige Logistik, Fraunhofer IFF, Magdeburg, p. 129-137
Piotrowska-Kurczewski, I.; Schlasche, J.W.; Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Maass, P. (2013): Image denoising and quality inspection of micro components using Perona-Malik diffusion. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 8, p. 432-437
Thamer, H.; Weimer, D.; Kost, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2013): 3D object categorization of logistic goods for automated handling. Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications. ACTA Press, Innsbruck, p. 416-423
Weimer, D.; Thamer, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2013): Learning defect classifiers for textured surfaces using neural networks and statistical feature representations. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 7, p. 347-352
Thamer, H.; Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2013): 3D-Bildverarbeitung für die automatische Entladung von Standardladungsträgern. 18.Magdeburger Logistiktage. Sichere und nachhaltige Logistik, Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, p. 203-209
Thamer, H; Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2013): A test environment for feature-based range data registration. Recent Advances in Computer Science and Applications. WSEAS Press, Valencia, p. 126-131
Thamer, H.; Kost, H.; Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2013): A 3D-robot vision system for automatic unloading of containers. In: 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. IEEE, Cagliari, p. 1-7
Weimer, D.; Rippel, D.; Thamer, H.; Lütjen, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2013): Prediction of process stability in laser-chemical ablation by using a multivariate gaussian distribution. Recent Advances in Intelligent Control, Modelling and Computational Science. WSEAS Press, Valencia, p. 68-72
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rippel, D.; Weimer, D.; Jacobi, J.; Lütjen, M.; Thamer, H. (2012): Process design for automated surface inspection in micro cold forming. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Micro Factories. University of Tampere, Tampere, p. 1-7
Weimer, D.; Hellert, C.; Köhler, S.; Doll, K.; Brunsmann, U.; Krzikalla, R. (2011): GPU architecture for stationary multisensor pedestrian detection at smart intersections. Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), IEEE, p. 89-94
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lütjen, M.; Weimer, D.; Rippel, D.; Thamer, H. (2013): Quality-oriented design of process chains. In: Vollertsen, F. (ed.): Micro Metal Forming, Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Berlin, p. 415-430
Thamer, H.; Weimer, D.; Kost, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2013): 3D-Computer vision for automation of logistic processes. In: Clausen, U.; ten Hompel, M.; Meier, J. F. (eds.): Efficiency and Innovation in Logistics, Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer International Publishing, Heidelberg, p. 67-75
Thamer, H.; Taj, F.; Weimer, D.; Kost, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (2012): Combined categorization and localization of logistic goods using superquadrics. In: M. Kamel; A. Campilho (eds.): Image Analysis and Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 7950, p. 215-224